Representing women in divorce and custody cases has special challenges.
Homemaker vs Breadwinner
Often (though not always), the woman plays the role of the homemaker and is the primary care giver for the children. When the marriage ends, she suddenly finds herself looking at a future, which is financially insecure. A professional attorney experienced in representing women can work for her best interests. Finding a divorce attorney for women is important to many women who are going through a separation. They often want someone who will understand what is important to them and who will fight to protect their interests.
As a homemaker, she may have given up a career to follow her husband to a different state for his work. Many of the women we represent are highly educated and could have had a prosperous career. Their husband was the breadwinner. Together they chose his career over her career. While they were married this choice made sense. As a woman faces divorce she may have to contend with a husband that does not want to pay support for her or the children.
Finding the Right Divorce Attorney for Women
The right attorney will understand the issues that are important to women. He or she will warn them about various tricks their husband may play. In order to ensure that the child continues to receive the quality of life he/she was accustomed to, it is necessary for the father to pay child support. A qualified attorney with experience in representing women can help put forth the best terms for child support. And in the case, where the father is not paying child support on time, an attorney can help file a motion for contempt against the father.
In issues of spousal support and property distribution, legal assistance can help ensure necessary spousal support and equitable property distribution for women.
Often during a divorce, the high stress levels and the need to ‘just get through’ with the process quickly may impair a woman’s judgment on these matters. It is necessary to remember these are practical and important decisions and moreover these are legal rights. It is understandable that well-earning women today do not want ‘charity hand outs’ from their ex-partners. But they are entitled to their rights for equal share in the property that was built or acquired during the period of marriage. An attorney representing women can objectively assess these matters and help the client make the right decisions.
We at McIlveen Family Law Firm have considerable experience representing women in North Carolina divorce. We offer services to women in areas such as child custody and support modification, enforcement of child support, equitable property distribution and other associated areas.