Do Women Have Advantage in NC Custody?

Do Women Have Advantage in NC Custody?

Men ask me frequently if women have an advantage in NC custody cases. These men are trying to figure out whether or not the judge is going to give their wife preferred treatment in a child custody trial and my answer is sometimes but not for the reason you think. The...
International Kidnapping

International Kidnapping

If you are afraid that your child’s other parent may try to take your child out of the country then you should act quickly. It is much easier to prevent international kidnapping than it is to get your child back once out of the country. The 1980 Hague Conference...
How Can I Establish Paternity of My Child?

How Can I Establish Paternity of My Child?

Paternity of a child can be established in several ways. When a child is born in an NC hospital the hospital provides an opportunity for the parents to sign an Affidavit Of Parentage For Child Born Out Of Wedlock (DHHS-1660). This form, which is identical to the...
Can I Move My Kids to Another State?

Can I Move My Kids to Another State?

Whether or not you can move your child or children to another state depends on many factors. It is important to know whether there is a custody order in place, are divorce and custody proceedings in the court system now, if there is a custody order in place what...