How Much Alimony Will I Get Pay?

How Much Alimony Will I Get Pay?

There are no set guidelines for awarding alimony. The judge will review evidence of financial records, income, bills, and debts. The judge can also consider marital misconduct. Having considered all the factors including the amount the supporting spouse is capable of...
How long does alimony last?

How long does alimony last?

The court may set a specific time for alimony to expire. This decision is based on many factors including the length of the marriage and the ability of the supporting spouse to eventually be able to support him or her self. Even without a set expiration date, alimony...
Six Steps to File For Divorce

Six Steps to File For Divorce

While the exact process for filing for divorce in NC may vary by county, the basic six steps for filing for an absolute divorce are the same throughout North Carolina. Six Steps to File for Divorce in NC1) Draft the Divorce Complaint, 2) Verify the Divorce Complaint...
How Can I Establish Paternity of My Child?

How Can I Establish Paternity of My Child?

Paternity of a child can be established in several ways. When a child is born in an NC hospital the hospital provides an opportunity for the parents to sign an Affidavit Of Parentage For Child Born Out Of Wedlock (DHHS-1660). This form, which is identical to the...