by Angela McIlveen | Feb 15, 2012 | Child Support
If you have been laid off from your job or you have changed jobs and you now make less than you did when your child support payments were set, you may be able to ask the court to lower your payments. In N.C. child support payments can always be changed regardless of...
by Angela McIlveen | Jan 19, 2012 | Divorce
Divorce from bed and board is a fault based divorce that really isn’t a divorce at all but rather is a legal separation. Normally, a complaint for divorce from bed and board is brought when both parties are still living together and one party is having an...
by Angela McIlveen | Jan 12, 2012 | Marriage, North Carolina Law
Marriage Common law marriage takes the place of a legal marriage ceremony which requires a marriage license by allowing couple to become married after they have lived together for a certain period of time. NC does not have common law marriage. [sexy_author_bio] Search...
by Angela McIlveen | Jan 5, 2012 | Child Custody, Divorce
If you are afraid that your child’s other parent may try to take your child out of the country then you should act quickly. It is much easier to prevent international kidnapping than it is to get your child back once out of the country. The 1980 Hague Conference...
by Angela McIlveen | Jan 2, 2012 | Divorce
Divorce can be a difficult process for anyone but it can be particularly difficult for couples who have a high net worth. These couples have often worked hard and spent many years delaying spending money on things they want. It may be that both couples are...