check engine light

We’ve all been there. You’re cruising down the highway and all of a sudden that dreaded funny-looking light appears on your dashboard. What does it want??!!! Sometimes there are warning signs before it emerges, but occasionally the check engine light comes out of nowhere. No matter how you have come to see the light, you have choices when it appears.

You could ignore it, and hope it goes away. You could sign up for AAA and prepare for an inevitable breakdown. You could be proactive and take the car to a mechanic for repair. Or you could drive the car until the wheels fall off. No matter what you choose to do, you are sure to have a better outcome if you do some planning first.

The same can be said if you begin to experience family discord at home. Whether the problems between you and your spouse come out of nowhere, or you have seen the writings on the wall for a while, it is important to start planning corrective measures immediately. Maybe your situation would improve if you or your spouse sought the assistance of a counselor or therapist. Perhaps your differences could be worked out by speaking with your minister.

In some instances, you may find that you need to speak with a family law attorney to discuss your options. If so, consult one who understands that nobody knows your family dynamic as well as you. Find an attorney who wants to work with you to get the solution that is in your best interest. If you are seeing warning signs that your relationship is in disorder, don’t ignore the problem because it probably won’t just go way. Pull over and get some help.

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North Carolina Family Law Offices

Gastonia Office

174 S. South St., Suite 301
Gastonia, NC 28052
(704) 865-9011

Charlotte Office

301 S. McDowell St., Suite 700
Charlotte, NC 28204
(704) 865-9011

Raleigh Office

434 Fayetteville St., Suite1830
Raleigh, NC 27601
(919) 372-3670

Awards & Memberships

McIlveen Family Law Firm Awards