Books Written By Our Lawyers

North Carolina Divorce Guidebook
“As an attorney who focuses entirely on family law, a woman who has children and who has been divorced, a stepmom to two great boys, and someone who grew up with a single dad, I have a prospective on divorce and custody that can only come from having been there myself.”
ANGELA WHITE MCILVEEN’S compact and clearly organized book, designed to help North Carolina residents understand the legal aspects of divorce, guides readers through spousal support, child support and custody, and property division.
Written in clear language, this book covers the emotional, financial, and legal aspects of divorce, and answers questions like, “How do we get a legal separation in North Carolina?” “Which marriages are voidable?” and “What if my spouse is in the military?”

A Mother’s Guide to Custody
“The key to winning your custody case is a very easy one. Simply put, be the better parent. I know this sounds very simplistic and in operation is very difficult. But it is necessary if you want to have custody of your child.”
SEAN F. MCILVEEN’S compact and clearly organized book, designed to help North Carolina parents understand the custody aspects of divorce, guides readers through custody and support issues at every stage of a child’s development, from infancy through college.
Written in clear language, this book covers the emotional, financial, and legal aspects of custody and support laws, and answers questions like, “If we have to go to court, how will the judge decide who gets custody?” “Can custody arrangements ever be changed?”

A Father’s Guide to
“Fathers in North Carolina do not need to feel that they are ‘second-class citizens.’ The climate in today’s court is that fathers are equally good at parenting and that most children benefit from spending time with both Mom and Dad.”
SEAN F. MCILVEEN’S compact and clearly organized book, designed to help North Carolina parents understand the custody aspects of divorce, guides readers through custody and support issues at every stage of a child’s development, from infancy through college.
Written in clear language, this book covers the emotional, financial, and legal aspects of divorce, and answers questions like, “If we have to go to court, how will the judgedecide who gets custody?” “Can custody arrangements ever be changed?”